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Data Privacy Board Meeting

September 11-12, 2024ㅤ•ㅤChicago, IL

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Leaders from 14 companies are here

AES, American Family Insurance, Aristocrat, AT&T, Chick-fil-A, Cox Enterprises, Herbalife, M&T Bank, Marriott Vacations Worldwide, Mayo Clinic, New Balance Athletics, OPENLANE, Subway, and Target.

Wednesday Schedule (9/11)

11:30 AM

Registration opens

12:00 PM

Lunch Discussions

Get here on time and grab a seat at the table. This sit-down lunch is your first opportunity to meet all of the great data privacy leaders you’ll get to know at the Board Meeting.

12:40 PM


12:50 PM

Welcome & Introduction

1:00 PM

Show & Tell: Global privacy standards: Creating a baseline to stand the test of time

Lisa Garrett, AT&T

Between company acquisitions, new regulations constantly coming into force, and varying levels of maturity across your business, getting to a universal privacy standard is a big ask for your company. Lisa Garrett, Director of Privacy at AT&T, will share how she worked with key partners to build U.S. domestic and international privacy company frameworks to standardize policies across her global organization. Lisa will highlight key challenges, lessons learned, and how this approach has served as a jumping off point for maturing AT&T’s overall privacy practices.

1:30 PM


1:45 PM

Show & Tell: Assessing your privacy maturity: Practical steps and lessons learned

Christine Szafranski and Fred Jandt, American Family Insurance

Evaluating the maturity of your privacy program is vital, not only for quantifying your progress but also demonstrating the value to leadership. Director of Privacy and Consumer Affairs Christine Szfranski and Privacy Program Manager Fred Jandt at American Family Insurance will share their approach to privacy program assessment, including leveraging popular frameworks and practical steps to incorporate them into your enterprise. Whether you are looking to benchmark your current privacy practices or seeking ways to enhance your program, this session will provide useful knowledge and tools to ensure your privacy program is not only effective but is clearly communicated to your stakeholders.

2:15 PM


2:30 PM

Show & Tell: Data privacy and change management: Leading through organizational shifts

Ashley Slavik, ADM

Whether you’re stepping into a new role as a privacy leader, working with a leadership change, or attempting to influence legacy systems, it’s likely that you’re going to need to reinvent yourself as a privacy leader many times during your career. So what are your best strategies when facing major changes? Ashley Slavik, Chief Privacy and Information GRC Officer at ADM, will share her strategies for launching a culture shift within a large global organization. Ashley will discuss finding and influencing key stakeholders, leveraging privacy adjacent skill sets, recalibrating privacy language and terms to fit a company’s legacy culture and systems, and tailoring your work as much as possible in a world of generic privacy frameworks.

3:00 PM

Snack Break

3:30 PM

Show & Tell: Privacy compliance in website tracking: Optimizing your process

Sarah Stalnecker and Kelley Walsh, New Balance Athletics

As a privacy leader, you want to help your business teams foster growth, but you also need to be compliant, and the rules about what is acceptable (and what isn’t) are constantly changing. Join Kelley Walsh, Associate General Counsel, and Sarah Stalnecker, Director of Global Data Privacy at New Balance Athletics, for a behind-the-scenes look at the processes they’ve deployed to ensure transparency in website data sharing practices. Their process review will include the tools they use, samples of their documentation requirements, and best practices in driving business team adoption.

4:00 PM


4:15 PM

Show & Tell: Crafting a responsible and streamlined AI program

Janine Foster, Target

As more AI products make their way into your company’s operations, how are you evaluating and mitigating risks related to data privacy and responsible AI in your organization? Janine Foster, Senior Director of Privacy and Responsible Technology at Target, will share how they’re building a risk management framework that accounts for new developments in AI, while also allowing their business to move forward with projects safely and efficiently. She will take you behind-the-scenes to discuss stakeholder engagement, intake and assessment processes, risk ranking, and so much more as we figure how best to lead from a privacy lens in this evolving space.

4:45 PM


5:00 PM

Member Dinner

Following our afternoon of conversations and Show & Tell Talks, we’ll all go out for a fantastic dinner together. It’s a perfect opportunity to connect with your fellow members before a big day of brainstorming, discussion, and collaboration.

Thursday Schedule (9/12)

8:00 AM

Breakfast Discussions

The conversations over coffee and eggs at this event are often more lively than any other conference’s happy hour. You’ll want to be here bright and early (and on time).

8:50 AM


9:00 AM

Welcome Back

9:05 AM

Member-Led Discussion: Privacy careers: Fostering long-term growth

Andrew Bjerken, Marriott Vacations Worldwide

Privacy as a discipline has grown rapidly in the last decade, but career trajectories for privacy professionals haven’t kept pace in terms of clear levels or organizational growth. As privacy leaders, how can we address this need for our teams and for the industry as a whole? Andrew Bjerken, VP and Chief Privacy Officer at Marriott Vacations Worldwide, will lead this confidential conversation as we discuss the barriers we face in codifying privacy roles, what we can learn from related disciplines, and best practices to advance privacy as a career path for ambitious employees.

9:35 AM


9:45 AM

Member-Led Discussion: Wielding privacy technology for efficiency and growth

Ryan Scardigli, AES

As the number of privacy vendors rapidly increases, how are you ensuring that your choices are improving your program while also providing enough ROI to justify their implementation? Ryan Scardigli, Privacy and Cybersecurity Program Manager at AES, will lead this conversation on how we’re evaluating technology options, including determining short- and long-term value, exploring where there is the greatest potential for automation, and examining forward leaning options and the impact on our work.

10:15 AM

Snack Break

10:35 AM

Member-Led Discussion: Considering the wider impact of consumer health privacy laws

Melissa Parisi, Herbalife

You may or may not deal regularly with consumer health data, but you might be responsible for more than you think. As U.S.-state laws have created broad categories for what is considered “health” data, how are you incorporating these new standards into your privacy program? In this discussion led by Melissa Parisi, VP and Worldwide Privacy Counsel at Herbalife, we’ll discuss our best practices for dealing with privacy notices, collecting consent, and what we anticipate having to address in the future as we enter a new era of consumer privacy considerations.

11:05 AM


11:20 AM

Member-Led Discussion: Partnering with internal stakeholders to support your privacy story

Virginia Neiswender, Cox Enterprises

How are you leveraging key internal partnerships at your company to further your privacy objectives? In this conversation, Virginia Neiswender, Associate General Counsel for Enterprise Privacy at Cox, will lead us as we share our use cases and brainstorm creative options when it comes upleveling our privacy reach. We’ll consider traditional partners, out of the box ideas, and unique approaches to getting others’ objectives to also support your privacy KPIs and goals.

11:50 PM

Lunch Discussions

12:50 PM


1:00 PM

Unconference Round 1


  • Beyond Data Privacy Day: How to increase awareness year-round
  • Addressing employee privacy concerns
  • Vendor review: OneTrust
  • PIAs: Evaluating your process

1:30 PM

Unconference Round 2


  • Taking on AI accountability
  • Data mapping: Building for long-term privacy success
  • Assessing and managing data privacy risk in China
  • WhatsApp, WeChat, etc: Weighing risk and opportunity

2:00 PM

Snack Break

2:20 PM

Unconference Round 3


  • Data privacy and DEI initiatives: Balancing progress with compliance
  • Loyalty programs: Balancing privacy compliance and growth
  • Data minimization strategy for privacy compliance
  • Records retention: Best practices for big companies

2:50 PM

Unconference Round 4


  • Tools for cookie management and compliance
  • Cybersecurity and privacy: Building a winning partnership
  • Operationalizing Privacy by Design
  • Navigating competing frameworks in a global company

3:20 PM


Please note: This agenda is subject to change based on speaker availability and scheduling.





Member Dinner


Frontera Grill
445 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654


At 5 PM, hop on the Data Privacy Board shuttle bus to the restaurant.